Don’t have time to watch the full webinar replay? Check out our highlights of “Rubber Versus Steel Bullet Trap-Which Is Better?”



Did you miss part 1? Part one covers initial investment, sound and air concerns, maintenance, and repairs.

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#5 What Do I Need To Know About Lead Reclamation?

Lead reclamation is a different process for the different traps. Steel traps use a bucket system, while rubber bullet traps need to be cleaned by separating the rubber from the lead.

We go more in-depth in the cleaning process of both in the highlight part 2.

#6 What Kind Of Safety Differences Are There?

Safety is always the main concern for both types of traps. One point to note is the ability to fire into a rubber bullet trap from any distance. You can shoot from point blank all the way as far back as you can go with still hitting the trap.

Some say you have this ability with a steel trap as well, but on a personal level, I wouldn’t feel comfortable shooting point blank on a steel trap.

#7 How Do Rubber & Steel Differ With Caliber Ratings?

Caliber ratings will depend on factors you decide when buying either a steel or rubber trap. To get a high caliber rating with a rubber trap you would increase the thickness of steel behind the rubber granular or increase the amount of granular fill you put into the trap.

Steel trap caliber ratings are directly related to the thickness of the steel you use.

#8 What Are The Space & Structural Requirements?

Having proper planning before you build your range is key to make sure you have enough space, regardless of the type of trap you decide to use.

#9 What Kind Of Revenue Opportunity Will I Have?

Your revenue plans will help you in deciding what type of trap to get. If you plan on having competitions and training sessions you would want to go with rubber granular.

If you are just looking for volume a steel trap might be a good option, although rubber traps do extremely well with high volume as well.

Key Takeaways And Aditional Information

The biggest takeaway is to talk with your range provider and they will help you determine the best option for you.

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Thanks for reading and we’ll see you on the range!

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