Don’t have time to watch the full webinar replay? Check out our highlight video of “Top 5 Problems and Solutions with Rubber Bullet Traps”.



In this webinar, Glenn Seeger and Randall Mendenhall discuss the problems and their solutions for one of the most popular shooting range components: the rubber bullet trap (also known as a backstop).

Goals For This Webinar

Throughout the webinar, we focused on talking about two types of Rubber Bullet Traps, the Granular Rubber Trap, and our Bloc Rubber Trap.


Our Passion For Rubber Bullet Traps

Range Systems has been in the business for nearly 20 years. Through this time we’ve learned the ins and outs of this industry. Although we do sell steel bullet traps, we are most proud of where we’ve gotten with our Rubber Bullet Traps.


Make Sure You Know What You’re Getting

The first word of advice is to make sure you know the rubber you’re getting is high quality. When talking with your range provider, make sure you ask questions about the test quality of their product. This is key in making sure you get the best equipment possible for your business.


Before We Start

Any technical or usage information found in this webinar highlight is only applicable to Range Systems rubber. We cannot speak for other companies rubber.


Problem #1: Fires on Ranges

The first problem we discussed was fires on ranges. We shared how to prevent this issue with an easy solution.


Problem #2: Rounds Going Through Rubber Bullet Traps

The second problem was rounds going through Rubber Bullet Traps. Here we highlighted the benefits of having a hopper for your trap and shared the importance of maintaining proper depth of granular. 


Problem #3: Too Much Maintenance

Through comparing the maintenance of a steel trap and a rubber trap, we made the claim that all bullet traps require maintenance, it just may be different types of maintenance.


Problem #4: Bounce Backs and Bounce Outs

The key point to take out of problem #4 was that bounce backs are related to the shooter hitting an object before the bullet trap. To prevent this, make sure targets are placed at correct height. Also make sure bullets exceed the minumum velocity when entering the trap.


Problem #5: Lead Disposal

All range owners deal with lead disposal no matter the type of bullet trap. Find a professional company to take care of the lead for you. Some companies will give you deals on pricing if you allow them to keep your lead.

For more information than shown above, watch our highlight video!

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Thanks for reading and we’ll see you on the range.


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