

Utilizing standard parts and modular components, S.M.A.S.H.™ offers a ballistically secure shooting facility that is rapidly deployed, requires minimal maintenance, and is adaptable to your training requirements and location.

  • Utilizing standard parts and modular components, S.M.A.S.H. offers a ballistically secure shooting facility that is rapidly deployed and is adaptable to your training requirements and location. Our bolt-together design utilizes standard parts and modular components to allow S.M.A.S.H. to be erected quickly. 
  • S.M.A.S.H. can be reconfigured to provide multiple floor plans for realistic training scenarios and is a non-permanent structure that can be easily dismantled for transport to alternate sites.

  • Range Systems proprietary Dura-Panel™ ballistic rubber panels are used in the wall construction of the S.M.A.S.H. shoot house. The combination of AR500 steel and Dura-Panel provides safe round encapsulation at point blank range. Dura-Panel is the only rubber product in the industry that has been independently tested and certified for use by the US Special Forces. 
  • Range Systems has worked closely with US Military Special Forces and US Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) to define the standards for live-fire shooting house training that meet their evolving training requirements.
  • Range Systems designs are engineered to withstand all environmental demands with structural integrity. 
  • S.M.A.S.H.™ walls are constructed of our proprietary Dura-Panel™ ballistic rubber panels secured directly to AR500 steel. The combination of AR500 steel and Dura-Panel provide safe round encapsulation at point blank range.




Observation Catwalk

Catwalks provide an elevated observation platform allowing training staff to monitor the training session and give immediate feedback and technique correction. 

Sliding Ballistic Coverings

Entrance and exit points can be eliminated with sliding ballistic door and window coverings. 

Sliding Ballistic Walls

Training staff can reconfigure the house layout by creating or eliminating alternate rooms with sliding walls, creating an endless amount of scenarios that can’t be memorized. 


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